"Shoulders back, press your heels down, keep your hands low!!"
Do these kind of instructions really make you ride better???
I'll give you my answer:
probably not...
Do you want to improve your posture and seat, and do you want insight into the how and why, instead of blindly doing what your instructor says?
Or are you an instructor, equestrian teacher, saddle fitter or other equestrian professional, and do you want to be able to help riders optimize their seat and coöperation with their horses?

Then the online training "Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson" is made for you!

You can change 'riding', where you use your hands and legs, into 'guiding', where you use subtle, maybe even invisible seat aids. But to be able to do this, you need to have awareness and control over your own body first.
We as riders determine whether a horse can be a 'happy athlete'. My vision is that training, hacking outside or competing should be as much fun for the horses as it is for us.

With enough awareness, skills and the right mind set, I believe this can be possible! If horse riding becomes horse guiding, in a way like two dance partners who naturally become one in the movements, there will be more joy for both horse and rider!

This training can help you to gain a good insight and the right practical skills to achieve this harmony. You will learn the theory and how to put this theory into practice. This way you prevent your horses from suffering due to damaging ways of riding. With the right knowledge and skills, you can help your horse develop both physically and mentally in a way that the horse profits from your training. Let the journey begin! 

Do you want healthy movement patterns for both horse and rider?

Do you ever run into technical riding problems that you can't get solved?

Do you want to replace training 'aids' for deep knowledge and insight?

Are you tired of being told the same thing 100 times in your lessons?
Or are you that instructor telling your students the same thing over and over, without having a lasting effect?

Did you realise that common instructions such as "heels down, shoulders back, hands low, hands close together, sit still, toes in, ..." are not that helpfull at all, but you want to know the 'how to' for better alternatives?

Do you want (to guide your students towards) achievement of higher scores in your dressage test, faster jump-offs, and win those ribbons?

Or do you just want to experience that magical feeling of harmony between rider and horse, where unity in movement arises between two completely different beings?

Many  technical riding problems are caused by the way  riders are sitting and moving on their horses. Things like impulsion, relaxation, suppleness, rein contact, bending, straightness, lateral movements, balance and rhythm in the jumping course, tempo control in the cross country, all are influenced by the riders seat. Sometimes the rider is not the cause of the problem, but he or she can offer the solution to the horse with the right knowledge and skills. A good rider knows in every situation how to sit and how to move to help the horse to achieve optimal balance and movement. And everyone can learn how to achieve this, including you!

A rider can disturb or help a horse with his seat and (lack of) movement. In other words: the way you sit, is the way your horse moves!

This can all be clearly explained by understanding the biomechanics, which you can learn all about in my online training 'Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson'.


What exactly is the meaning of 'biomechanics'?

Biomechanics is a combination of the words bio and mechanics.

Bio means life. Mechanics means movement. So biomechanics is about the movement of the living being. Or in our case: two living beings.
I find it really fascinating that two 'species' with such different bodies can come into a unity of movement. If you have the right skills as a rider, it really feels like the horse's body belongs to you. You think it, the horse will do it. With invisible aids, your thoughts can be passed on to the horse. This is what I mean by 'guiding your horse'. It is a magical feeling, but can be explained and learnt in a rational way.

And how wonderful it is that horses are able to, and willing to participate into this collaboration with us?


Every ridden horse deserves a skilled rider!

The road to harmony has many obstacles. Horses are stars at compensating when we make it difficult for them with our way of sitting and (not) moving. If they have to compensate, the feeling always becomes stiff and less comfortable. The movement can no longer occur in a healthy way. In the long run, this causes overload for the horse, resulting in chronical discomfort and injuries! And all this written above applies to you as a rider also...

Deeper insight takes you upwards!

By riding with unhealthy movement patterns, at some point you'll hit the wall and get stuck. Your horse will develop blockages in his body due to the taxing compensating. Your horse will get injuries and / or your horse can start showing undesired behaviour. A show jumping horse might start refusing to jump, in dressage the scores will drop in stead of increase. Moving up to the next level seems mission impossible. 
As a consequence, you might think that the capabilities of yourself as a rider, of your horse or of your student have reached their limits.

But... don't give up hope!

I have seen very often that improving the  seat and biomechanics of a rider gives a huge boost of development. Often riders aren't aware that they are litterally blocking themselves and their horses for further improvements. 

We all know how important the basics are for good riding. But good basics are impossible without a correct, functional seat and movements. So don't forget to keep working on the basics of your bascis!

A horse is no tennis racket

With the right knowledge and skills, you can achieve much more than you expected. But where, and why, does it go wrong?
As a rider you have to deal with two things: your own body and the body of your horse. And not only with the physical bodies, but also with the mental state of both yourself and your horse. So as a rider, you have to deal with an interaction on two levels. This interaction can cause a chain reaction, leading to a vicious circle which might start turning in the wrong direction... Who says horse riding is an easy sport? Not me! :)
"The most difficult part of riding is making it easy" is a phrase I like to use. However, you can make your life as a rider a lot easier by gaining the right insight and learning the right skills.

Your most important training tool is your own body! 

Something that is often forgotten by riders is the importance of knowing your own body. Many exercises in my online training are made to develop this awareness. I have yet to meet the first rider who is completely straight and symmetrical. We all have to deal with our natural crookedness. Or we might get into serious (horse) accidents sooner or later, causing our bodies to deviate from its original state... None of this needs to be a big limitation, as long as you are aware of it and know how to deal with it.

Does your seat allow the horse to perform what you asked for?

In addition to what's written above, we have to deal with the horse's body. Our horses are also never perfect. Therefore it is an important task for riders to be aware of, and help the horses to improve asymmetries and imbalances. This can be done with good use of your seat and movements. But often unawareness causes a situation where the weight of the rider is making the horse's problem even bigger. Often riders think that the horse is not obeying the leg and rein aids. But the horse probably does not understand, or cannot obey, because the applied aids are contradicting the influence of the seat, or the seat is maybe even counteracting.

'Must have' riding skills
A rider must therefore not only (get to) know his own body well, but also that of his horse(s).
In order to get to know your horse's body well, there are some conditions that need to be met.
A rider must have: 

  • * Good body awareness
  • * A good posture, because the posture determines the use of the rider's muscles
  • * Good muscle use; activity but also relaxation
  • * A good balance between mobility (movement) and stability
  • * A good, neutral contact between the horse's back and the pelvis
  • * A good understanding of the movements of the horse 

Are you causing, worsening or solving a problem for your horse?

All the aspects above are part of this online training. If the rider starts to improve these things, then the rider can develop his sense for the horse.

If the rider can feel what the balance and movement of his horse is like, he can respond to that. Instead of causing a problem by the influence of your own body, or making a balance problem worse by (unconsciously) following the horse in the unfavorable weight distribution, the rider can start to 'guide' the horse to a good use of it's body. Without the force of (contradictionary) leg and rein aids!

Discomforts will disappear
Riders who have lost the joy of riding, horses that misbehave, recurring injuries, disappointing performances at competitions, riding related pain or discomfort, ...

It all can often be traced back to the solution of sitting better and moving better. Not only do the horses benefit from a good riders seat. For the riders themselves, 'a good seat' is also much healthier. Back pain, hip problems, rubbing and chafing, stiff and painful neck and shoulders, ... But also feelings of insecureness, uncertainty and fear... I have seen them all disappear quickly after optimizing the seat.

If you can dream it,

you can do it.

It's not rocket science; anyone can learn it!

A good seat is important for every rider. You probably already knew that, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this now. :)
But what exactly is a good seat, and how do you achieve it? These are the questions for which I created this online training.
Of course, as a rider and/or instructor, you will get better at optimizing your seat by experience. Maybe you are one of these experienced riders or trainers, who realises you never stop learing when it comes to horses. Maybe you are at the beginning of your journey. But one thing is for sure: everybody can learn this. It's not rocket science. And once you know what to look for or what to feel, you will never 'not see' or 'not feel' it anymore.
So here's a warning: after this training, riding and/or teaching will never be the same again! 


When is this training nót suitable for you?

Perhaps after reading this text you can't wait to get started. I hope so, because the more knowledge and insight there is about the biomechanics of rider and horse, the better it is for our horses and for equestrian sports in general. Good rider biomechanics has everything to do with horse welfare. You may already knew that, or you may have just realized it when you read the text above.

But just to be sure, let's do a checklist. I wouldn't want you to spend money and then think it was a waste of money after buying it.
I want you to think of this training all the time while riding and/or teaching from the first moment you start. And even when you are doing something else, you will be more aware of how you stand, sit, walk, lie, whatever... That you will see an opportunity to improve yourself as a rider in every (daily) movement you make. That's what I want!

So here's the checklist. Don't buy this online training (yet) if:

* You don't have a desire to know why you have to do something, and would rather just blindly follow your trainers instructions without thinking about it.

* You are not open to change.

* Your days/weeks are already so full that you don't have time to spend (on average) about an hour per week reading text and watching videos.

*You find it too scary to go (a little bit) out of your comfort zone. 

*You'ld rather spend your free time watching television or scrolling on social media, in stead of using your brains to learn new insights and skills. 

*You'd rather just blame your horse when something doesn't work out.

Please also note:

Having your own horse to practice with and/or a student/fellow rider who can perform the exercises is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended.

It is recommended to do part 1 and 2 of this training in a competition free period. Then you can totally focus on the exercises of the online training. Competitions can cause distraction on the progress. And also vice versa; the process of learning new skills can disrupt the routine in competing.
In the end the results will just get better. But give yourself, your horse(s) and/or your student(s) enough time to master everything, untill the new skills can be performed automatically. 

"This training is absolutely phenomenal. I have never noticed so many positive changes in such a short time. Every rider should do this..“

- Mirella Versteijnen

Some practical information:

What can you expect from the content?

With the online training "Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson" you improve one of the most important qualities you should have as a rider: good posture, balance and movements which ensure good biomechanics.

In this online training there is one common thread: awareness and body control of the rider.
Because conscious riders make happy horses!

I completed my education to specialize in seat and balance at Akasha College in 2010. The principles of Akasha College form the basics for this training.

The content consists of three different parts. Each part consists of several chapters. The teaching material is a variety of theoretical knowledge (text), images, informative videos, videos with example lessons and many practical exercises for both on the ground and on the horse. You will  improve your knowledge, insights, (teaching of) rider sense and 'riding skills' step by step.

After starting with part 1 you will already notice a big difference. Even if you are no beginner anymore. Especially advanced riders and / or experienced instructors benefit from optimizing their (insight into) seat and biomechanics down to the smallest details. Because it are exactly those details that make the difference between winning and losing. Or between fun and frustration. Small changes can make big differences.

29 years of experience coming together in one online training!

Based on my live course.

I developed the live course ‘Position, Balance and Biomechanics’ in 2010. Since then, hundreds of riders have followed the three lessons of this course. Despite the fact that I am always open to innovation, this course has remained unchanged in all those years, just because this is a concept that works very well. There is a step by step development, and after the three lessons the riding is boosted in a way that it gives lifelong advantages. 


The four different riders who served as examples in this online training will show you what happens. The spectaculair improvements is what makes me really love my job, and why I have decided to offer my knowledge in an additional online version. This allows me to spread my knowledge and experience even more. As my motto - and mission is:
‘Every ridden horse deserves a good riders seat.’

By optimizing the posture, balance and movements of a rider, you transform the riders influence on the horse. As a result, there will occur a harmonious connection between horse and rider, which will bring relaxation, confidence and joy for the horse and a smile on the riders face. Sometimes this smile already appears in the first part. But after completing the whole content, you will definitely understand these words. Then you will be riding with a big smile on your face, that's my promise.

What does this online training offer?

The online training consists of a step-by-step plan in which you can fully analyze and improve 'posture, balance and biomechanics' for yourself or for your students.

There are 5 parts: Intro, Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3 and Follow up.

You will not only learn how to do it, but also why.

This training is intended to help you solve riding problems yourself, using the insight and skills you have acquired and to continue to improve (teaching) communication with the horse(s) down to the smallest detail.

You can start this online training and follow it at your own time and pace, wherever and whenever you want.

After payment you will receive an email with access to the full training. When you pay in 3 installments you will receive the full content after payment of the first installment!

You will have a guarantee of 2-years access after purchase. But as long as the training is online, you can continue to use the online training for free. My intention is to keep it all up as long as I live, maybe even longer...

The structure of these three lessons has remained unchanged for 15 years:

Lesson 1

We start with some theoretical education, so that your knowledge and insight is big enough to understand what you are going to do in practice. Then you learn how to analyze your riding posture. You'll start working on improving the 'side view'; including posture and alignment, functional muscle use, hinge points, and following the movements in each gait.

Lesson 2

After optimizing the contact between the rider's seat and the horse's back in lesson 1, the rider can feel the horse better and vice versa. This sense for the horse can now be used to work on the vertical balance. The focus now shifts to the 'rear view', which includes following the lateral movements, different pelvic positions and the influence of these on the horse. This way you can achieve improvements in straightness, symmetry, lateral bending, turns and lateral movements.

Lesson 3

First, you'll read some additional theory to enlarge your knowledge and insights.  Additional exercises will give further development of communication, feeling the horse and general riding skills. Also this part contains things like optimizing the rein contact, leg position, (not) giving leg aids, consciously applying aids based on learning theory, but also mental aspects that influence the rider's actions. In this lesson many pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. This is the lesson where the horses will reach out the 'rider biomechanics graduation' and where the smile will appear on the rider's face...

What to expect from this training:

  • You are working on improving your riding skills and/or instruction skills in the long term.
  • You will develop a better understanding of the how and why of riders seat.
  • You will develop an advantage over other riders and/or instructors.
  • You will learn exactly what you as a rider need to pay attention to in order to ride your horse well.
  • The horses you work with will become healthier and happier.
  • Physical complaints related to riding will decrease or even disappear.
  • Technical riding problems can be solved, training 'aids' become unnecessary.
  • You will discover the difference between riding and guiding.
  • You will learn the way to more harmony.
  • Your ride or lesson usually ends with a big smile.
  • Please note: After this online training, riding and/or teaching will never be the same again!

What makes this online training so unique?

  • You will receive clear step-by-step education to acquire both knowledge and skills.
  • Everything in this training revolves around gaining INSIGHT. In capital letters.
  • The basics are formed by the principles of Akasha Rijkunst. Akasha College is developed from more then 30 years of experience, and currently the upcoming education for riding instructors in the Netherlands, because they meet up to the standards of evidence based horse welfare. 
  • In addition, the content of this training is based on Roos' knowledge and experience.
  • The content of this online training can not be found anywhere else.
  • The content is suitable for all types of riders who want to know it all, no matter the level, age, or discipline. 
  • The content is suitable for instructors and equestrian teachers who want to become a better coach by schooling themselves in understanding the influence of the rider on the movements of a horse. 
  • Other equestrian professions such as osteopaths, saddle fitters and veterinarians have also found their way to 'Rider Biomechanics'. (But... where are the judges?? ;) )
  • Traditional, inefficient ways of riding and teaching are replaced by a functional method that makes healthy and happy horses and riders.

Who is Roos (Rose) Dyson?

  • Roos started teaching when she was 16 years old. This was in 1995.

  • Since obtaining her equestrian graduation in Deurne (the Netherlands) in 2001, Roos has always worked full-time with horses. She worked as a groom, rider, horse veterinarian assistant and instructor in different countries, including Holland, Germany, America, China.

  • The number of posture and seat instructors is currently growing very fast. Roos started specializing in seat and balance in 2009 and is therefore one of the most experienced experts in this field.

  • Roos was the very first instructor ever to teach professionally with a Joker simulator.

  • Roos was the very first to develop 'fitness for riders' training in the Netherlands. Since 2010 she has gained a lot of knowledge by working together with trainers and physiotherapists regarding the specific (fitness) training of riders.

  • Roos is an experienced competition rider. Previously in show jumping (trained many young horses, up to 1.10 m level), and recently in dressage up to Inter 1 level and 3-times PSG level.

  • Roos combines and integrates her knowledge of riders seat and biomechanics with her extensive experience as a 'regular' rider and instructor.

  • Roos is still an active rider and enjoys taking lessons from good trainers.  Some examples of these trainers are: Leunus van Lieren, Penny Rockx, Laurens van Lieren, Ilonka Kluytmans, Albert Voorn, Rafael Soto.

  • Roos also collaborates with (topsport) trainers in her clinics, such as Barbara Faber (equestrian sports exercise therapist), Laurens van Lieren, Imke Schellekens-Bartels, Joep Raijmakers, Jesse Drent.

  • Roos always keeps schooling herself. Besides Deurne and Akasha College, some of her diplomas and certificates are: Franklin Method, Rider Preferences (Action Type), Trainers club by Rien van der Schaft, Sport Horse Manager.

  • At this moment her main work exists of giving clinics. These mainly take place in the Netherlands and Belgium, sometimes also abroad. She teaches in Poland and Portugal on a regular basis. 

  • Since her specialization, Roos has worked with thousands of different combinations in her lessons and clinics.

  • Despite all this, 'achieving unity between (any) horse and (any) rider' is still her boundless mission and passion, about which she never stops learning - and never stops talking! :)

By purchasing the online training, you will get the insight and know-how into the biomechanics of rider and horse that you will benefit from for the rest of your life!

Thank you for reading this far. 

I would be very proud and happy to welcome you to the expanding group of equestrians who followed my online training. Together we can change the equestrian sport and the welfare of our beloved horses. 

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us: info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl / 0031 6-13567041. 


Rider Biomechanics Online training English

Is this online training suitable for me?

This online training is made for every rider, every instructor and every equestrian professional who wants to get a deeper understanding about how the rider influences the movement of it's horse.. (Awareness about) a good seat is the basics of all basics. The way you sit is the way your horse moves, and conscious riders / skilled instructors make happy and healthy horses. If you're a rider, It doesn’t matter if you hack outside, ride once a week on a riding school or are competing at top level in no matter which discipline, this training will always teach you new insights and make you a better rider or teacher for your horse(s).
There is only one condition; you must not be afraid to take some time and effort to study, and to go out of your comfort zone now and then. This training is made for people who want to know it all, who want to go all the way. After this training you'll not only find the way to more harmony and a sound way of riding. You'll also have the knowledge and insight to solve riding problems in a fundamental way. I dare to say that for many equestrians, the insights that are brought in this training have been life changing...

How long do I have access to the content?

You will have a guaranteed access to the online training for the period of two years. After this period, you will have free access to the training as long as the training exists. So you have lifelong access for the length of the life of this online training!
My mission is to improve the quality of equestrian sports and horse welfare, so my intention is to keep this training online for as long as I live, and beyond...

Do I get enough value for my money?

We give you the guarantee of two years access plus the lifetime of this training.
When you buy this online training, you can use the link as much as you want and from anywhere in the world where you have internet access.
Even when you count from the minimum of two years, it means you paid a monthly cost of less then € 18,75 per month. (€ 447,- : 24 months).

And the most important, priceless things: This training contains life changing knowledge and skills! After completing the content, riding and teaching will give you so much more fulfillment and joy, I promise you that!
And even in the unlikely event of quitting your equestrian activities, this training will leave you with more body awareness and healthier movement patterns for the rest of your life!

Can I afford the costs of the online training?

Please keep in mind that this training is an investment that will save you a lot of costs! The price is comparable with 1-2 months of maintaining your horse. Think of the improvements it will give you to be able to move up to a next competition level faster. And the awareness and skills to get more profit out of all your riding lessons. Or the absence of discomfort in your own body like back pain or riding related injuries, because you learn how to use your body in a healthy way. Think of the frustration because of miscommunication with your horse. Bad behavior of your horse might disappear after solving the problems that block him. Think of one single vet bill that might be saved on, because you learn how to train in a way that your horse profits from training in stead of overasking him. And maybe the most important one of all: think of the joy that you will get from the harmony with your horse(s) that you will find in this training. This one is priceless!

PS: Payment can optionally be done in 3 monthly terms. After the first payment, you get full access to all the content.

Do I have a satisfaction guarantee?

Because online products can not be 'returned', we don't do refunds.
But because I only want to have satisfied users (or users that are 'over the moon'), I have a solution for this.
If you are in doubt if the online training will suit you, please contact me (info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl). I am happy to make a phone call appointment and have a talk about what you are looking for and if the online training is giving you the answers. These calls have brought wonderful conversations which are also very valuable and inspiring for me, so please don't hesitate to use this option, without any obligations of buying!

How much time does this training take?

We recommend to take enough time to practice all the exercises on your horse, before you move up to the next part. When riders do the similar course in live lessons, the quickest possible time is 6 weeks. But because this online training has more information and more exercises, it will probably take more than one week to finish one part. Then you will need 2-6 weeks (depending on how often you ride) to master your new skills in a way that they become part of your riding in a automatic way. When you notice this, then it’s time to move on to the next part. To be sure that you don’t need to rush and you can take as much time as you need or like, you will have lifetime access.

PS: We are working on a written example of a time schedule that you can use as a guide line.

What if I have questions about the content of this online training?

If you have a question, you can send an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl. We will try to answer your question within 1 week.

I would like to follow live lessons on the subjects of this online training. Is this possible?

Roos Dyson gives clinics all over the world. You can send an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl if you want to receive more information about organizing a clinic with Roos. At this moment Roos doesn’t do (online) private lessons, but we might offer this possibility in the future. Please let us know if you are interested in this!

Will the content of this training match with the lessons I’m taking from my own instructor?

If you have a skilled, well educated instructor I dare to say yes. The things you learn in this training are the basics of all basics which you need for everything you do in riding. Sometimes it happens that instructions are contradictionary when teachers are only focused on sitting ‘picture perfect’, without taking functionality and biomechanics into account. (For example teachers who tell you to sit with your shoulders back and your hands close together.) In this online training, you will learn to judge if your teacher is teaching you the right things for healthy biomechanics and happy horses and riders….

I would like to practise the exercises in this online training with my own trainer. Can I do that?

Yes, we highly encourage this! You can tell or show the exercises and the analysis forms (on your phone or printed) to your trainer and ask him or her to help you. Please don’t share the link of this online training to your trainer or to anyone else. If your trainer is interested in a cooperation to become an affiliate partner of 'Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson', they can contact us by sending an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl.

I’m a professional (competition) rider or trainer, is this online training suitable for me?

Yes! This training will uplift your skills and insights as a rider or trainer. This training contains information and exercises that will not be found in ‘normal’ equestrian literature, educations and lessons.

If you have many students and if you are interested in a cooperation to become an affiliate partner of 'Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson', you can contact us by sending an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl.

I am a riding school teacher, is this online training suitable for me?

Yes! This online training will give you loads of inspiration to upgrade your lessons in a way that gives more fun and healthier movement patterns for both your school horses and your clients, no matter their level or age. This training contains information and exercises that will not be found in ‘normal’ equestrian literature, educations and lessons.

If you have many riding school clients and if you are interested in a cooperation to become an affiliate partner of 'Rider Biomechanics by Roos Dyson', you can contact us by sending an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl.

I have problems with my back, is this online training suitable for me?

Many riders suffer from back pain due to a wrong posture and therefore blocking themselves in the movements they need in order to follow the movements of their horse. This is not only uncomfortable or even harmful for the horse, but also in long term very damaging for the rider. In this online training, you will learn how to use your body in a sound way. If you are having problems like chronic back pain, hernia’s, scoliose etc. then it is extra important to use your body in a right way. When you're in doubt of your personal situation regarding this training, please feel free to contact us, and we can schedule a phone call to find out if this online training is possible for you, or maybe even be of a great help.
Please send an email to info@gepaardmeteenlach.nl if you like to schedule a phone call.

I'm having some (chronic) physical problems. Is this online training suitable for me?

Please read the answer above about back problems. The same answer counts for other physical problems.

I am a para rider, is this training suitable for me?

In this training you will learn how to communicate with your seat, your pelvis being the first and most important physical contact with your horse. If you have (some) control over the area around your pelvis, this training is suitable for you. In this training you will learn to ride with the smallest possible – or even completely without - leg and rein aids.

I have a young horse just started under saddle, is this training suitable?

The exercises in this online training exist of ground exercises and ridden exercises. It is preferable to have a horse that knows the basics and is relaxed, so you can focus on yourself. The ideal situation would be if you can also ride an older horse that knows the basics, apart from your youngster. If you don't have this opportunity, I would still say: Go for it! You want to give your young horse the best possible start in using it’s body in a sound manner, and find the best possible communication with it’s rider to gain trust and confidence. Therefore we recommend this training not only for a good start of a novice rider, but this training has also indispensable knowledge to start your young horse(s) in the best possible way.

When is this training NOT suitable for me?

Please do NOT buy this online training (yet) if you relate to the following:

* You don't have a desire to know why you have to do something, and would rather just blindly follow your instructor's instructions without thinking about it.

* You are not open to change.

* Your days/weeks are already so full that you don't have time to spend (on average) about an hour per week reading text and watching videos.

*You find it too scary to go (a little bit) out of your comfort zone.

*You'd rather spend your free time watching television or scrolling on social media, in stead of using your brains to learn new insights and skills.

*You'd rather just blame your horse when something doesn't work out.

What is the minimum or maximum age for this online training?

If you do this online training on your own, we recommend a minimum age of 12 years. If you are a parent and want to support your kids, you can start with most of the exercises at the age of plm 6 years old. The maximum age…. Anyone who can ride a horse can do this online training, no matter the age. Age is just a number you know. And in Holland we say: “You are never to old to learn.” Another quote I like is this one: “Live every day as if it is your last, but educate yourself as if you live forever”.

PS: The record of oldest customers for this training is 71. One is a male pleasure rider in Portugal, the other one is a female Grand Prix dressage rider who has been competing in the Dutch national team! If you are older then 71, you are more then welcome to brake the record! :)